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This page is for the people throughout my life who have made my dreams come true.

From Kirk

First I would like to thank my parents, Ingeborg and Bob for all the opportunities they have given me and for having brought me up a in way that gives me the energy and confidence to take on this endeavor. Though we do not agree on everything, especially this undertaking, I truly believe that without your support and guidance, I would not have had the guts, ability and confidence to undertake this tour around the world. I would just like to thank you guys for everything you have given me. I was very lucky to have such great parents. I really will miss you guys, and I love you a lot. Mom, just don't worry too much. Everything will work out fine. Thanks also for taking care of things for me while I am traveling . We will see you in a year! Mom, have a great birthday!! Love ya

Secondly, I would like to thank my two brothers, Marc (my older brother) and Scott (my younger brother). They have given me the support I have needed to get though good and bad times throughout my life. They have also awakened my thoughts to doing such a trip. Thanks for your support on this trip, and I hope that you will meet me somewhere along the way. I just basically want to thank them for being great brothers.

Third, I want to thank my Aunt Karin for bringing me over to Germany in the first place and putting me up for a couple of years and for taking care of me. Thanks for taking all my stuff. I will see you soon. Vielen Dank für alles!!

Fourth, I want to thank Dipl. Ing. H. Weber GmbH, and especially Herr Dierk Weber and family for giving me the chance these last years to grow, learn, and be part of a great company. It was a great eight years, and I thank you for giving me the chance to be a part of it all.  Thanks for all the support you have given me,  not only with respect to work but also personally. I wish you, your family and the company all the luck in the future.

5th to Rita and Norbert, thanks for letting me take Maren on this adventure, and thanks for your support. We will miss you a lot.

A special thank to some other friends of mine (listed in no order)
Peter Schmidt
Christian Keller  Thanks for everything
Holger Puchalla
Claudius Schmalschläger

Hans-Joachim Bartel    
Peter Römmler
Little Joe or the man on a mission to Rio
(Roller Hockey Team)
Matt Racciappo (The new champ)
Rich (Vinny) Tietjen

Franz Risslegger  Thanks for all the  help on my house

Ralf Lauruschkat

From Maren

Liebe Mutti,

ich möchte mich auf diesem Weg bei Dir bedanken, dass Du mir so viel Verständnis für meine Entscheidung entgegen gebracht hast. Ich weiß, es ist Dir nicht leicht gefallen mich gehen zu lassen. Aber Kirk wird schongut auf mich aufpassen, er hat es ja versprochen.

Ich liebe Dich.

Deine Maren


Lieber Norbert,

auch bei Dir möchte ich mich bedanken für alles was Du für mich getan hast, vor allem in Hinblick auf unsere Reisevorbereitungen. Ich bin froh, dass Du die letzten Jahre immer da warst.

Deine Maren


Meine liebe Nina,

ich werde Dich vermissen, aber wir sehen uns hoffentlich unterwegs. Vielen Dank, dass Du auf meine Sachen aufpasst, während ich weg bin.

Alles liebe

Dein Schwesterchen Maren





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